Motivation & The Importance of Meaning

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”  So the question is how do you motivate your students or employees to strive to reach this biblical truth?  Take time, energy and effort in getting people to care about what they are doing and the studies say you will motivate them. 

Do they know how their job fits in the overall mission of the Institution and that it has a specific purpose?  Do your students know how they are going to use what you’re teaching them?  If you haven’t had this conversation with them, take the time!  It has been found that this will not only lead to a more productive individual, but also will lead to a more enjoyable classroom and place to work. 

For a more interesting and outside take on this, listen to Dan Ariely on who discusses what makes us feel good about our work.  Just clink the link below. 


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