Are you comfortable with risky or edgy situations? As a leader, should you be? If you were, would it help you become a better leader? I have to say that I love a good challenge and if there is risk involved, then I love it even more. I don't know why I love risk so much. It could have been the influence of my brother when I was young as we repelled out of 70-foot oak trees. It could have been the influence from my time in college when I jumped off of 40-foot cliffs in Horseshoe Beach, Bermuda. It could have been the influence from my time in the Marine Corps where we did all sorts of training with guns and explosives. What I do know is that all of this "risky" experience has helped me understand that when you take risks, there are rewards that come with them. This not only helped prepare me for life's risks ahead, but also for taking on risks when I think it is most important: when I am leading people.